Literature Review #5



Cordaro, Millie, et al. “Pandemic-Specific Factors Related to Generalized Anxiety Disorder During the Initial COVID-19 Protocols in the United States.” Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 2021, pp. 1–21, doi:10.1080/01612840.2020.1867675.



This article examines pandemic-specific factors that are related to generalized anxiety disorder. Since the pandemic just started last year, very little is known about the psychological stress and strain it has put on people. This article studies the rates of anxiety of people during the pandemic and identifies the factors that contributed to anxiety disorder due to the pandemic.


Millie Cordaro is a psychologist and works in the Department of Psychology at Texas State University. Her areas of interest are counseling psychology and developmental psychology. She specializes in the areas she discusses in her articles.

Key Terms:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - severe and ongoing anxiety that interferes with daily activities

Stay-at-home policy- orders given to stay at home in order to reduce the spreading of the virus


"Research on prior epidemics and pandemics provides evidence for the manifestation of psychological distress, anxiety, fear, and anticipatory health concerns as clinical aspects of a broader psychological response to these events" (Cordaro)

"These concerns fell into one of three overarching groups: (1) General access concerns, (2) COVID-19 specific concerns, and (3) Stay-at-home policy concerns" (Cordaro)

"During times of significant stress and trauma, with proper screening and detection by primary care and mental health professionals, the long-term psychological health of the American public can be best protected against the COVID-19 pandemic and future outbreaks" (Cordaro)


This article gives me several factors that cause anxiety that is related to the pandemic. A part of my paper talks about how Covid has impacted the mental health of students, and this article would give me a lot of insight into it.


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